Have you heard God speak something to you then seemingly He goes silent? You heard the message deep in your soul. You prayed over this message asking God to remove it if it was from the flesh or confirm it through His Word. You searched His word and sought counsel from godly people who confirmed the message you heard. Yet, still, nothing. No movement. No action.
If God has spoken something to you and you feel as though you are in a waiting period rest assured you are not alone.
We can scan God’s Word and see many people whom God spoke to then allowed them to wait for the fruition of His revelation.
Abraham was told he would be made into a great nation (Genesis 12:2) at the age of seventy-five. He obeyed God and left his country to settle where God led him. He then waited. It took nearly twenty-five years before the promise child was born.
David was chosen to be king at a young age (1Samuel 16:13). He left his family to serve King Saul (vs. 21-22). It took another ten to fifteen years before David took the throne.
Joseph was given a message from God through his dreams (Genesis 37:5). Out of jealousy and anger he was sold by his brothers into slavery at the age of seventeen (Genesis 37:27). It would be twenty years later that his dreams would become reality.
We can see over and over again God revealing His message to His people and them waiting on Him. The waiting period can be hard. We have a tendency to want things done now.
When God does not move in our time we can run ahead of Him trying to accomplish His will in our way.
When God asks us to wait we need to recognize that He is still working in the waiting. The waiting period is our preparation grounds for what it is God has revealed to us.
“For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” Habakkuk 2:3
Habakkuk was living in a time where there was much violence, destruction and bloodshed. He cried out to God “how long” and “why”. You too may be asking the same questions of God. How much longer? Why this? Why now?
In 1:5 God tells Habakkuk to look, watch and be amazed. He was doing something that Habakkuk “would not believe”, even if he were told about it.
While we wait on God let us not focus on what we perceive as the inactivity of God but rather to look, watch and be amazed at what He is doing around us, in us and through us.
“Wait for and confidently expect the LORD; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for and confidently expect the LORD.” Psalm 27:14 AMP