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“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecc. 3:1

The deep green leaves on the trees gently fade

As does the warmth from the summer sun.

The cooler weather ushers in the vibrant colors of fall.

Scarlet red, burnt orange and canary yellow

Paint the backdrop for the autumn months.

The winds blow through

Making dormant what was full of life just a few months ago.

Days are shorter and the temperatures colder.

The white falling snowflakes collectively blanket the ground below.

The bitter cold stings on exposed cheeks

Leaving them red like cherries.

That does not stop the frolicking children

From making snowmen with the soft white fluff.

Warmth from the sun increases

And little green buds began to push their way through the cold, hard ground.

Naked trees began to show signs of life

And a fragrance of blooming flowers fills the warm air.

Birds sing a melodic tune as life is being birthed before our eyes.

Soft, green grass feels cool between the toes

And is a welcomed contrast to the heat that blankets the summer air.

Lazy days are entertained pool side

And laughter consumes the gatherings at night.

Life seems to take a slower pace

Long enough to ready us for the seasons of change once again.

God is the creator and master of every season.

There is beauty in every season but every season is not beautiful.

Fall gives us lovely, lively colors, but it also ushers in colder temperatures and the death of the summer splendor.

Winters can be brutal for some parts of our nation who deal with blizzards and harsh winter conditions. But the elegance of the falling snow can be captivating.

Spring welcomes the warmer weather and life begins again. The trees are green and flowers are blooming. That could make for some miserable allergies for many people as well.

Summer usually means picnics and bar-b-ques and fun in the pool. If you live where I live it also means temperatures over 110 degrees.

The joys or the hardships of each season are all in one’s perspective. So many people welcome the snow while others loath it. Some enjoy basking in the hot summer months while others retreat to places that have milder summer temperatures. Many people enjoy the fall colors while others get depressed by the winds that accompany the autumn months.

Life is full of seasons as well. We endure hardships and harmony. Life can beat us down or bring us up. Some seasons feel like they last forever while others we wish would.

Seasons of life do not last forever. Even in the seasons that are perceived as hard, there is good if we look for it.

Your perception of the season you are in influences greatly how you journey through it.

Scripture tells us there is a season for everything under the sun.

If you are in a season of trial remember, it is a season and it will not last forever. Look for the good within the season and embrace that while you journey through it.

If you are in a season of rest allow God to use this time to refresh you and rejuvenate you. This is usually a season of preparation.

Life is constantly changing, just like our seasons do. Embrace the change, admire the beauty, learn the lessons, and enjoy the journey.

Lord, thank you for seasons of life. May we always remember, You are the master of all seasons. Let us find the beauty in our season even if our season is not beautiful.


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