Waiting is hard. It is for me. Is it for you?
Some things we wait for seem so mundane. We wait in line at the grocery store, the gas station or the cleaners. We wait for the washer, dryer, dishwasher, and oven. We function on auto pilot in so many daily tasks that even our waiting is set to auto.
Some things we wait in anticipation.
We wait for the arrival of our newborn baby or our baby coming home from college. We wait for the packages to arrive from our online, prime sales, shopping spree. It is like Christmas in July.
Sometimes waiting is filled with hope about a new job, new client, acceptance letter or book deal.
Sometimes waiting comes with fear about layoffs at work, doctor’s reports, or the phone call from your child who didn’t come home that night.
So many things we wait for.
We can be filled with hope or fear, anticipation or frustration. We can wish or we can worry.
What do we do when we are not sure what we are waiting for?
God has me in a season of waiting right now. He has not revealed any specific details as to what exactly I am waiting for. This I know, He has been clear that I am to wait on Him.
In this season of waiting I realize more than ever that word ‘wait’ is not a passive word but a very active word. It means to look eagerly for, hope and expect.
Seeking God’s purpose in my season of waiting has revealed that I am to eagerly look for Him with great expectation. I believe His purpose will be revealed in that exploration.
But, it is hard. It takes surrender, patience, perseverance and strength. None of which comes from myself but from the indwelling Holy Spirit.
What are you waiting for? Are you looking eagerly for God with hope and expectation?
Listen to His voice. Eagerly look for His hand in your life. Expect great things from the giver of all good things.
The Lord is good to those who eagerly look for Him (Lam. 3:25). He turns to us and hears our cries as we wait patiently on Him (Psa. 40:1). He strengthens us (Isa. 40:31) while we wait with confident expectation. Like a farmer who sows his seeds and waits patiently for the harvest, we have been planted in fertile soil. Allow God to nourish His harvest and the time for gathering will arrive if we are patient with the process.