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Choosing Joy in the midst of heartache

What do you do when you are faced with one of your greatest fears? The last 24 hours has been facing one of my greatest fears and in the...

Lord Use Me AS You See Fit-Holy Conviction

What do you do when God pins you to the wall with His holy conviction? Submit and obey? Argue and justify? Repent and humble yourself?...

Meanwhile...The Plot Twists

Meanwhile. By definition, is the time before something is to happen. Nine letters implying something is already happening behind the...

Waiting With Expectations

Waiting is hard. It is for me. Is it for you? Some things we wait for seem so mundane. We wait in line at the grocery store, the gas...

The Timing Of It All: A Holy Conviction

Has God spoken something so clearly that you knew without a doubt that message was for you? I have. God has been speaking this message to...

In His Grip

Two minutes can modify your mindset, alter your attitude and engulf you in emotions. What started as an ordinary day turned into an...

Hello, My Name Is

How do you define yourself? Most of us when we introduce ourselves tend to define ourselves by what we do or who we are associated with....

Sureness Reliability Stability

“But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.” Psalms 86:15 Life can throw...

Hearing God’s Voice and Waiting

Have you heard God speak something to you then seemingly He goes silent? You heard the message deep in your soul. You prayed over this...

Hearing God’s Voice and Responding

“Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.” 1Samuel:3:9 We learn that young Samuel was ministering under the leadership of Eli. The...

God’s Provision in Unplanned Circumstances

Have you ever found yourself in a circumstance that was unplanned and unexpected? A broken marriage? An empty bank account with bills...

Rest In The Unknown

Uncertainty Unknown Discomfort Life is full of them. They can leave us weary and tired. Then we become complacent. Complacent in our...

I Lose Myself

I long to be held To be loved To feel special I long to be told that I matter So I search for the arms that are extended To hold me and...

The Paint Brush

Have you ever stopped to look at a paint brush before?  It’s a piece of wood or plastic with bristles at the top of it.  Some paint...

The Precious Breath of Jesus

The precious breath of Jesus It carries me through The storms of my life It lifts me up When I’m weak and unable to move The precious...

Freed But Shackled

Galatians 5:1 “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of...


There are sights, sounds and smells that can instantly transport us through time and take us to familiar places. Those places may hold...

Think In Color

So, what’s your favorite color? Mine is purple. I appreciate all shades of purple but am drawn to the deeper, richer shades of purple....

A Praying Parent

I needed this reminder from God today. Maybe you do too. Sometimes do you wonder if you knew exactly what you were getting yourself into...

Peace and Power

I sat on the lawn chair on the lanai watching the ocean dance towards the shore. An overwhelming sense of peace washed over me. God’s...

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